Art Portfolio
A brief Summary of recent works of art by Brook Thompson.
Common Themes: Salmon, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Native American History, Water Protection, Fire, and Inter-generational Representation.
Art Mediums: Beads, Digital, Watercolor, Fabric.
2020. Miyuki Seed Beads & felt. This project was funded by the Arizona State Leonardo Imagination Fellowship. The goal is to show the relationship between Traditional Ecological knowledge (TEK) and compare it to academic technologies i.e. Tech. There is a digitally animated component and spoken pieces to each puzzle piece. Please check it out in-depth by clicking the photo.

Salmon Circle of Life
2023. Digital. This piece was the winning design for the 2023 Yurok Tribe's Annual Salmon Festival. Depicting the different life stages of a chinook salmon and how it is circular.

Stanford Powwow
2021. Watercolor. Winner of the annual Stanford Powwow poster contest. A traditional elder dance, a jingle dress dancer, and a fancy dance child dancing in front of the Stanford University Campus. Encompasses the intergenerational strength of women and that no matter skin color or hair texture, all Natives are valid.

Chinook Slamon Necklace
2020. Miyuki seed beads, abalone, glass beads. Commission for Greg Archuleta, who is Clackamas Chinook, Santiam Kalapuya, and Shasta, and a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. He teaches about the culture and history of the Tribes of Western Oregon, including ethnobotany, carving, cedar hat making, Native art design, and basketry.

Pacific Coast "Go Fish"
2023. Digital. A go fish card game with all Pacific Ocean and connecting river species with fun facts on each card. 24 unique drawings. The goal is to learn more about Pacific Ocean species while having fun and getting kids involved in learning. The game is available to purchase from ThompsonTeachings.com

Salmon and Lamprey Stuffed Animals
2023. Plush/ Fabric. Salmon and magnetic lamprey stuffed animals were designed since there was a lack of "cute" salmon and virtually no lamprey stuffed animals available for purchase. These stuffed animals are designed to educate those who may not know much about lamprey and who only know salmon. Also, it is a way for Native families to have culturally significant stuffed animal representation. Available to purchase from ThompsonTeachings.com
2020. Miyuki Seed Beads & felt. This project was funded by the Arizona State Leonardo Imagination Fellowship. The goal is to show the relationship between Traditional Ecological knowledge (TEK) and compare it to academic technologies i.e. Tech. There is a digitally animated component and spoken pieces to each puzzle piece. Please check it out in-depth by clicking the photo.

Stained Glass Salmon
2020. Glass. Salmon depicted caught in an eddy.

Killer Whale Family
2019. Miyuki seed beads, Dentilium, Abalone, Topaz, and Glass Beads. Medallion on the family and matriarchal leadership system of Killer Whales.

Cat Paw
2018. Miyuki seed beads. Cat paw beaded medallion with a peyote stitch rope.

Klamath River, Dams, Villages
2018. Miyuki Seed Beads. Beaded medallion showing the Pacific Ocean, Klamath River, Salmon River, and Trinity River tributaries, important Native American Village sites to Brook's history (orange), and the six dams on the Klamath River (brown), and Oregon/ California boarders (dark green vs light green respectively)

Traditional Necklaces
2018. Pinenuts, glass beads, leather, spruce roots, madein hair fern, willow roots. Yurok/ Karuk style pine nut necklaces with the center one being a traditional medicine pouch.