Current and previous jobs of Brook Thompson from 2017 through now.
Restoration Engineer, Yurok Tribe
Owner & Founder, Thompson Teachings LLC
Policy, Media, and Design Intern, Save California Salmon
Office of Information and Management Intern, CA State Water Resource Control Board
Water Engineering Intern, West Yost Associates
Policy Intern, US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Civil Engineering Intern, City of Portland BES
Education Department Intern, Yurok Tribe
Youth Trail Crew, Yurok Tribe
Commercial Fisherman, Self-employed
Updated 2/22/24.
RESTORATION ENGINEER, Yurok Tribe Fisheries Department
Location: Arcata, CA
Dates: August 2021 - Current
Overview: Serve as a Restoration Engineer on the multi-disciplinary Yurok Tribe Restoration Design Team.
Performs field investigations and surveys.
Assists with performing Aerial Drone Surveys using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
Assists in the development of design deliverables and design components.
Supports planning, developing, and evaluating project alternatives for restoration designs, including channel rehabilitation systems, wetland complexes, floodplain enhancements, wood placements, and various habitat elements.
Major Projects:
2023 - Current Lead Yurok Researcher on the OSU Water Quality, Ecology, & Equity in the Klamath River Modeling Research. Learn more here.
2022 Survey on Redwood Creek Estuary Restoration, Orick, CA. Learn more here.
2022 Survey on Oregon Gulch Channel Rehabilitation, Junction City, CA. Learn more here.
2022 Grubbing and seed collection on the Klamath River Restoration, Hornbrook, CA. Learn more here.
Photo: Brook grubbing (clearing) invasive starthistle from around the Klamath River in preparation for dam removal in the summer of 2022.

OWNER & FOUNDER, Thompson Teachings LLC
Location: Online
Dates: June 2021 - Current
The sole owner of an LLC to educate the public on issues of indigenous peoples through presentations, speeches, books, games, and more.
Sells educational materials from salmon stuffed animals to Pacific Ocean card games. Go to to find out more.
Spoken at over 50 events as a Keynote, Panelist, or Host.
Speaking ranges from running interactive workshops about workflow optimization to issues on public policy about Native issues and water rights, civil engineering, climate change, finances, and education.
Audiences range from the federal government (United States Agricultural Department) to universities (Harvard Kennedy School) to Non-Profits (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement).
Photo: Brook lecturing a Stanford University engineering graduate class on Indigenous water issues.

Location: Klamath CA / Online
Dates: April 2021 – July 2022
Save California Salmon (SCS) is dedicated to policy change and community advocacy for Northern California’s salmon and fish-dependent people. SCS supports local communities' fisheries and water protection work and advocates effective policy change for clean water, restored fisheries, and vibrant communities. Learn more here:
Designed and posted 30 Instagram and Facebook posts using Canva, PowerPoint, Procreate, and Adobe Illustrator, including infographics.
Delivered social media marketing and audience reports.
Reviewed press releases using Mailchimp.
Lead editor for the website and SEO optimization using Wix and GoDaddy.
Create workflow templates.
Managed summer interns.
Attended Water Board and Fish and Game meetings.
Assisted in comment periods and with writing campaigns.
Photo: Two Instagram posts designed by Brook for SCS.

Location: Sacramento, CA / Online
Dates: June 2021 – September 2021
OIMA was established to advocate for data management, provide a bridge between data collectors and users, and provide transparency for the Water Board’s information management infrastructure. OIMA aims to collaborate monitoring efforts, accurately analyze data, make data easily accessible, and create visualizations and reports that make data understandable across all audiences. Find out more here.
Designed and researched Harmful Algae Bloom Public Outreach pamphlets using MS Publisher.
Produced a memo on where the water board can improve regarding data sovereignty.
Led a GIS story maps project on the history of Harmful Algal Blooms
Volunteered to find speakers for the Water Data Science Symposium.
Photo: Section of the Harmful Algal Blooms brochure Brook designed.

Location: Lake Oswego, OR
Dates: June 2019 – January 2020
West Yost is a private water resource management, engineering, and consulting firm. Work includes infrastructure, groundwater, surface water, wastewater treatment, program and procurement management, construction management, and inspection.
Find out more here:
Worked at a level of Engineer I as a part of the Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP).
Created graphics to simplify a multi-hundred-page plan set to ensure the engineers, clients, and contractors understand the complex pipe networks for the Washington Park Reservoir Improvement Project, a multimillion-dollar reservoir redesign.
Assisted Engineer II’s work with projects related to water mains, pump stations, sewer lines, recycled water, and wastewater treatment plants by completing feasibility studies, cost estimates, submittals, rating of treatment pipes for rehabilitation, construction management, and water calculations.
Photo: The Washington Park Resviour Remodel Work Site.

POLICY INTERN, United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (SCIA)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Dates: January 2018 – April 2018
Served as a legislative intern for Vice-Chairman Tom Udall (D-NM) for the 115th Congress. The only intern staffed by minority staff at the time. Worked 35 hours a week.
Researched policy issues, including the Secure Water Act, Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW), the Farm Bill, Opioids, Native American Health & Wellness Act of 2017, the FY2019 Budget Request, Tribal Self-Governance, and the 2020 Census.
Assisted staff with preparing Questions for Records (QFRs) and summaries of hearings from previous sessions of Congress.
Attended hearings and briefings for the Senate and assisted in answering California Native American-specific questions for Senator Udall. In addition to diligent note-taking and summarization.
I learned the US Senate Process by participating in the preparation and execution of these Senate-specific events, and I improved my knowledge of the Hill and the Senate's legislative and oversight functions.
Met with American Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and other constituents.
Wrote legislative policy memos summarizing reports up to 500 pages into 1 to 10-page summaries.
Office administrative tasks include assembling hearing binders, running co-sponsor signatures to the clock room in the capitol, updating an Excel sheet tracker of Indian legislation in the 115th Congress, correcting hearing transcripts, and assisting with other tasks staff requested.
Creating a macro-enabled Microsoft Word Templet to improve the efficiency of creating hearing binders and creating a memo Templet with an auto-populating date.
Created a document describing Native American depictions in the art in the Capital.
Photo: Brook in front of the Lincoln Memorial in D.C.

ENGINEERING INTERN, The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES)
Location: Portland, OR
Dates: June 2017 – December 2017
Project manager for a team of five for a $300,000 340 ft Portland sewer rehabilitation capital improvement project.
Turned given 10% plans that I brought to 90% in six months and did the surveying, field material testing, and CAD for the project myself.
Saved the City $4,000 on return of investment for my work.
Incited the creation of employee ArcGIS tutorials and Excel templates to save future time.
Photo: Brook is conducting a survey in downtown Portland.