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Title: Removing Dams from the Klamath River is a Step Toward Justice for Native Americans

Date: July 13, 2023

By: Beth Rose Middleton Manning and Robert Lusardi

As Yurok tribal member Brook Thompson, a restoration engineer, stated in a recent article:

“My people have lived on the Klamath for thousands of years, and I know that the salmon today are the descendants of those my ancestors managed. These salmon are a direct tie to my ancestors – the physical representation of their love for me. The salmon are my relatives.”


Ars Technica is a website covering news and opinions in technology, science, politics, and society.

"The largest US dam-removal effort to date has begun

As US dams age, removal is always an option—and it can be done well."

ALKA TRIPATHY-LANG - 1/11/2024, 4:00 AM

"The toxicity particularly impacts those who live near the river—especially members of Native American tribes who can no longer fish or swim. These losses negatively affect both physical and mental health, said Brook Thompson, a Yurok tribal member and doctoral student at the University of California, Santa Cruz. “Water quality and amount also affect cultural aspects of life.”'

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